We offer a range of Memberships to cater for all levels of interest. We charge an annual Membership Subscription, (to be paid by the end of February each year), as shown below.
If you would like to join our Club, please download the Membership Application form and complete it fully. You can then either scan it to return to the Club via email, or print it to either post or hand deliver to the Club rooms. The Committee considers the application and if approved, the candidate becomes a member of the club and is subject to the subscription and NZBridge levy. Any person accepted after 30 June in that year may pay a reduced subscription as determined by the Committee.
If you would like to join our Club, please download the Membership Application form and complete it fully. You can then either scan it to return to the Club via email, or print it to either post or hand deliver to the Club rooms. The Committee considers the application and if approved, the candidate becomes a member of the club and is subject to the subscription and NZBridge levy. Any person accepted after 30 June in that year may pay a reduced subscription as determined by the Committee.
Full MembersHome Club
Players who are members of two or more clubs select one club as their ‘HOME CLUB’ and pay the NZ Bridge levy to that club only. A member’s ‘HOME CLUB’ is shown on the Master Point website. Honorary Life MembersHonorary Life Members are elected by the Club at a General Meeting on the recommendation of the Committee.
You can see who the Club has honoured in this way for their outstanding contribution to the Kairangi Bridge Club on our 'Club Officers' page Resignations
Associate MembersAssociate members
Table MoneyTable Money is payable by all players at every session and is in addition to the annual subscription paid by members.